Shopify Store Inspector

Uncover theme, apps and tools powering any Shopify store instantly.

We support 200+ themes from the Shopify Theme Store, 2k+ themes from Themeforest and 10k+ apps.

Stop Guessing. Start Growing.

Discover the themes, apps, and strategies instantly with Shop Inspect.

Discover The Theme
Behind Any Store

Easily identify the Shopify theme that powers a store's design so you can draw inspiration or adopt it for your own site.

Reveal Apps, Payments,
and Tools

Identify the apps and tools powering any store so you can understand how it works and how to improve it.

Analyze Competitors'
Winning Strategies

See what your competitors are doing right—like their design choices and tools—and use that information to enhance your own store.

New to the Theme Store

Discover the latest, innovative themes published to the Shopify Theme Store.


$380 USD100%(11)


$340 USD100%(3)


$250 USD100%(4)


$280 USDNo reviews